Monday, November 29, 2010

News Release - Walk Away World Hunger

Walk Away World Hunger

HILLSBORO, N.C.- The members of the church are holding an important walk for CROP, a worldwide organization fighting world hunger, according to a representative from Presbyterian Church.

The church hopes to raise awareness on world hunger and money for CROP. Participants gather sponsors, who will pay a fee, if the participants finish the race.

“This is an important event,” said Reverend Jennifer Skinner. “that helps us focus on how much of the world goes hungry each day.”

The participants will walk a distance of 3.5 miles, starting from the municipal building and ending at the church.

“Young people can learn valuable lessons about service, and it’s an easy way for older participants to give back,” said Reverend Skinner. “Its also fun.” Reverend Skinner says the walk will be a great opportunity for the community to get together and all help to stop world hunger.

People who want to participate can call the church at (609) 493-4059 or they can show up on Sunday at 2 pm.

Summary of a Financial Article

American Apparel Reports Third Quarter 2010 Financial Results

American Apparel is a clothing store that focuses on basic apparel. They are working with lion capital to update their strategic plan. American Apparels net sales for this quarter went down significantly from last years third quarter. The press release discusses why they think the net sales went down and it talks about how they hope to improve by updating their strategy plan.

American Apparel wants to improve financial results, make more money, by supporting the brand with a customer focused supply chain. Dov Charney, the CEO, commented on the financial results for this quarter and says that because management focus has now shifted to driving sales in our stores he thinks that they will begin to see more profits in the future due to the “renewed product line.”


Allocation- Authorization to incur expense or obligation up to a specified amount, for a specific purpose, and within a specific period. Allocating, is essentially assigning money to different departments within a company.

Capital Expenditures- is the term for the cost of long-term improvements. This is when a company spends or invests money into something, a product or an idea, to add value to it.

Company Backgrounder

Event Executives

Event Executive is an event planning company dedicated to our clients, where our over all goal is to help our clients accomplish their event needs.

Our philosophy is to leave every client satisfied. How do we do this? By leaving our clients with a great event. Our philosophy is it’s your event and we don’t want you to worry about a thing, that’s what we are here for. Our vision is to plan flawless events for our clients.

At Event Executives, we are able to plan every aspect of your event. Our services include and are not limited to; venue search, arranging transportation, acquiring permits, and developing a theme for the occasion. We also deal with security, catering, event support, clean up, and furniture rentals.

Event Executives is an up and coming company with a dedicated team, each with years of experience. Event planner, Abby Wise founded Event Executives in 2002. Since opening, the company has expanded and has a location in New York and Connecticut. Event Executive started as a corporate events company but has expanded and now we do events from conferences to weddings and everything in between.

Event Executive’s expert team is ready to plan your event today!

Event Executives, main office in New York City, founded by Abby Wise, head event planner, in 2002. Event Executives is an event planning company that specializes in corporate events.


Abby Wise

(914) 555 - 5555

Event Executives

495 Lexington Ave

Manhattan, NY 10001

Breast Cancer Awareness Public Safety Announcement

Breast Cancer Awareness PSA Script:

(Piano Starts)

ANNOUNCER 1: When it comes to breast cancer, your survival depends on early detection. And when it comes to early detection, mammograms are the key.

ANNOUNCER 2: Every 13 minutes a woman in America dies from breast cancer, according to The Susan G. Komen Foundation.

ANNOUNCER 1: This is why the importance of annual mammograms cannot be stressed enough. Early detection can save your life.

ANNOUNCER 2: We know that life can be busy, but it is also precious. So take some time out and call your doctor today to set up your mammogram.

ANNOUNCER 1: To learn more, visit our website at W-W-W-DOT-THE-CANCER-RESEARCH-INSTITUTE-DOT-COM.

Brought to you by The Cancer Research Institute.

(Piano Ends)

Task Sheet

Click the link to see a task sheet made for a class assignment.

Corporate Christmas Party - Task Sheet

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Abby Wise is a senior public relations major at Rider University. Abby hopes to work at a public relations firm or an event planning company after graduation.

While at Rider, Abby is an active member of the public relations society on campus. She is currently in charge of the public relations for a student movie on campus called Somatose. Abby has also been involved with other clubs on campus such as The Energy and Sustainability Steering Committee, Resident Hall Association, and Student Government Association.

Last spring Abby spent the semester abroad in London. While in London, she worked as an intern at an event planning company, Inneventive. While there she played a big role in help planning a wedding. She also had a lot of hands on experience working on a corporate event that had an attendance of 1,000 people!

Abby loves to travel while abroad she was able to travel around Europe she went to Ireland, Greece, Spain, and the Netherlands. Abby also interned at the Kidney Cancer Association International Conference, The Sixth European International Kidney Cancer Symposium, in London. Abby helped set up and run the registration for the conference.

Abby is graduating in May and hopes to get a job in corporate events. Abby hopes to be a successful event planner. To contact Abby, please email her at

News Release


Abigail Wise
(555) 555-5555

FinCo Acquires Smaller Competitor

Bala Cynwyd, PA., September 26, 2010 — FinCo, a fortune 1000 company that specializes in mortgages announced yesterday that they will be acquiring a smaller competitor, Financial Boutique. The acquisition will increase and complement Finco’s capabilities and product offerings.

Financial Boutique is a privately held company that focuses on providing mortgages for affordable housing programs. Finco currently does not have any mortgage brokers who focus on affordable housing finance.

“After the sale is complete financial boutique will be known as FinCo’s affordable housing division,” Said Bill Smith, FinCo CEO and President. “Current Financial Boutique vice president Margaret Jones will run the affordable housing division and report directly to me.”

Financial Boutique CEO Jack Collins will retire from the company when the sale is complete.

Finco is a fortune 1000 company that provides an array of financial services that specialize in mortgages.

For additional information or a sample copy, Contact: Abigail Wise
(555) 555-5555