Monday, November 29, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness Public Safety Announcement

Breast Cancer Awareness PSA Script:

(Piano Starts)

ANNOUNCER 1: When it comes to breast cancer, your survival depends on early detection. And when it comes to early detection, mammograms are the key.

ANNOUNCER 2: Every 13 minutes a woman in America dies from breast cancer, according to The Susan G. Komen Foundation.

ANNOUNCER 1: This is why the importance of annual mammograms cannot be stressed enough. Early detection can save your life.

ANNOUNCER 2: We know that life can be busy, but it is also precious. So take some time out and call your doctor today to set up your mammogram.

ANNOUNCER 1: To learn more, visit our website at W-W-W-DOT-THE-CANCER-RESEARCH-INSTITUTE-DOT-COM.

Brought to you by The Cancer Research Institute.

(Piano Ends)

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