Saturday, November 27, 2010


Abby Wise is a senior public relations major at Rider University. Abby hopes to work at a public relations firm or an event planning company after graduation.

While at Rider, Abby is an active member of the public relations society on campus. She is currently in charge of the public relations for a student movie on campus called Somatose. Abby has also been involved with other clubs on campus such as The Energy and Sustainability Steering Committee, Resident Hall Association, and Student Government Association.

Last spring Abby spent the semester abroad in London. While in London, she worked as an intern at an event planning company, Inneventive. While there she played a big role in help planning a wedding. She also had a lot of hands on experience working on a corporate event that had an attendance of 1,000 people!

Abby loves to travel while abroad she was able to travel around Europe she went to Ireland, Greece, Spain, and the Netherlands. Abby also interned at the Kidney Cancer Association International Conference, The Sixth European International Kidney Cancer Symposium, in London. Abby helped set up and run the registration for the conference.

Abby is graduating in May and hopes to get a job in corporate events. Abby hopes to be a successful event planner. To contact Abby, please email her at

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