Monday, November 29, 2010

News Release - Walk Away World Hunger

Walk Away World Hunger

HILLSBORO, N.C.- The members of the church are holding an important walk for CROP, a worldwide organization fighting world hunger, according to a representative from Presbyterian Church.

The church hopes to raise awareness on world hunger and money for CROP. Participants gather sponsors, who will pay a fee, if the participants finish the race.

“This is an important event,” said Reverend Jennifer Skinner. “that helps us focus on how much of the world goes hungry each day.”

The participants will walk a distance of 3.5 miles, starting from the municipal building and ending at the church.

“Young people can learn valuable lessons about service, and it’s an easy way for older participants to give back,” said Reverend Skinner. “Its also fun.” Reverend Skinner says the walk will be a great opportunity for the community to get together and all help to stop world hunger.

People who want to participate can call the church at (609) 493-4059 or they can show up on Sunday at 2 pm.

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